Better Beetroot Juice

Striped beetroot, variety chioggiaThis is so good you can serve it as an aperitif.

Not everyone loves beetroot juice but this can help give you a taste for it.  To make beetroot juice irresistible to even confirmed beetroot-haters, start with white, orange or striped beetroot as they are less intensely beetroot-y but still have lots of beetroot goodness.  it’s a great way to get used to beetroot and for those who already love beetroot this makes it even better.

This is smooth, rich, bright, fruity, fragrant, earthy and wonderfully smooth.I always hated beetroot as a child but now  I LOVE beetroot juice!

If you don’t have all the ingredients just use the ones you do have.   Increase the ingredients you like and if you are getting a cold up the ginger – it works wonders.


  • Lots of raw unpeeled beetroot (traditional red, striped, white or orange) if they still have the stalks and leaves be sure to include them.
  • A small amount of whole apples
  • A similar amount oranges or mandarins – peeled or partially peeled
  • Some carrots
  • A small amount of parsnip
  • About the same or a tad more of Florence (bulb) fennel
  • And about half as much whole ginger root
  • A similar amount peeled or partially lemon

Juice it all together and enjoy – don’t forget to share it.

Unusual varieties of beetroot: orange, white and striped (chioggia)